
About us

Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae is an international journal of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of Eszterházy Károly Catholic University (Eger, Hungary), published by Líceum University Press.

Aims and Scope

This journal is open for scientific publications in mathematics and computer science, where the field of number theory, group theory, constructive and computer aided geometry as well as theoretical and practical aspects of programming languages receive particular emphasis. Methodological papers are also welcome. Papers submitted to the journal should be written in English. The Editorial Board can accept only new and unpublished material.


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Zentralblatt für Mathematik

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Methodological papers are indexed by Zentralblatt MathEduc


Browse volumes or latest articles:
Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis, Sectio Mathematicae 27 (2000)

Editorial Board

Péter Kiss, Ferenc Mátyás

Technical Editor

Miklós Hoffmann, Tibor Tómács


Research papers

Results concerning products and sums of the terms of linear recurrences
by Péter Kiss
Pages: 1–7

On polynomial values of the sum and the product of the terms of linear recurrences
by Kálmán Liptai
Pages: 9–18

Fast algorithm for solving superelliptic equations of certain types
by László Szalay
Pages: 19–24

Some remarks on Heron triangles
by Alpar-Vajk Kramer, Florian Luca
Pages: 25–38

Some remarks on Fermat’s equation in the set of matrices
by Zhenfu Cao, Aleksander Grytczuk
Pages: 39–46

A note on the location of zeros of polynomials defined by linear recursions
by Ferenc Mátyás
Pages: 47–52

Convergence of homogeneous matrix-valued Λ-martingales
by Tibor Tómács
Pages: 53–56

Investigation of a discrete cyclic-waiting problem by simulation
by Gábor Farkas, Péter Kárász
Pages: 57–62

Constructing ruled B-spline surfaces by Kohonen neural network
by Miklós Hoffmann, Emőd Kovács
Pages: 63–68

Curve reconstruction from scattered data by Kohonen network
by Emőd Kovács
Pages: 69–74

Methodological papers

Matematikai feladatmegoldó gondolkodás mérése számelméleti feladatokkal (in Hungarian)
by Orosz Gyuláné
Pages: 77–84

A matematikai analízis oktatása során tapasztalt problémákról és hibákról II. (in Hungarian)
by Rados Mihály
Pages: 85–100

Heves megyei helyzetkép az általános iskolások matematikai tudásszintje mérésének és értékelésének néhány kérdéséről (in Hungarian)
by Szepessy Bálint
Pages: 101–111

Matematikatanulási nehézségek, diszkalkulia (in Hungarian)
by Szilák Aladárné
Pages: 113–123

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